Hello Fellow Bloggers...
As most of you know, I am a multi-musical person. However, one of the instruments I enjoy playing the most is the Bass. Well, this past weekend was absolutely awesome. I got to play one of my favorite Hillsong United songs on the Bass and got to lead "Mighty to Save" on the acoustic guitar which reminds me....I would like to send my most sincere apologies to the Collins Family. During, our rehearsal I accidentally wacked our awesomely talented singer Benay Collins in the mouth with my guitar and chipped a little piece of her tooth off. Benay, If you are reading this, I know I said it a million times but once again, I'M SO SORRY!!!
Well, apart from the beat downs I gave with my guitar. something quite unexpected happened to me on Saturday night. I was walking back to the green room after greeting a few people in the lobby in between the 5:15 and 7:00 Services, when suddenly a lady stops me and smiles. She said,"excuse, can I tell you something?". I didn't hesitate and said, "sure, what's up"
Now allow me to pause there for a second. I don't want to sound egotistical or big headed because I am not, but usually when people stop me like that I'm used to them saying something like, "you guys did awesome", or "That song was great", or "where can I find that song?". However, what I was about to hear was no where near that.
She started by saying "That lime green bass guitar...". I expected her to say that she thought it was nice looking or something, but nothing could have prepared me for what she was about to say. She simply said, "IT'S WAY TOO LOUD!!!", which I have heard plenty of times, so I was like ok whatever. BUT THEN!!!.....she began to tell me about how it's way to loud for everyone, and that her entire small group ended up leaving the church because of my lime green bass guitar. At this point, I was stunned!!! Should I apologize?? Should I get mad???So I just smiled and said, "I'm sorry to hear that, I'll try to be more careful". I smiled and walked away, but was still very shocked. I mean, what do you do when someone tells you that people are leaving the church because of you. (She didn't say that directly but you know what I mean). Well, needless to say, I meditated alot on it and prayed about it too and God gave me alot of peace about it. Ultimately, we cannot "please" everyone and I'm sure there are people at church who think the bass isn't loud enough (myself included). During the remainder of the weekend, I had alot of people approach me saying that the worship was very powerful and It really did touch them alot. Just one comment like that totally makes me forget the original not so good comment. To know that God could have chosen me to take part in something that touched someone's life is absolutely awesome. And if that isn't enough, on Monday I was extremely bored at work, and I was reading my usual blogs I subscribe to. Occasionally, I will go back to the archives of blogs and re-read old posts. Well, this time I decided to check out
Heredes' old blog posts. What I found ended up hitting home. I found a post called
Change Seats. (Check it out) That was enough confirmation for me!!! Thanks H!!