Monday, January 26, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I am what you would call pretty passionate volunteer at my church and though I like having my weekends off every now and then, I have no problem serving every weekend. However, this past weekend, I happened to be off  and I am still kicking myself in the butt for only experiencing the service once all weekend.

Immediately upon parking my car and walking up to the building, I saw a bunch of these signs all over the lawn. I thought to myself, "Oh man! this is gonna be interesting". I WAS NOT WRONG! 

I won't go into too much detail of what went down but all I can say is that this was hands down one of the most memorable services I have been too. We kicked off a new series called "24" (Yup just like the TV show) and the service included some pretty surprising elements including but not limited too: 
  • Dr. Evil (along with some other bad bad guys) 
  • Some pretty crazy stunts (with no stunt doubles) 
  • Dynamite 
  • Explosions 
I am not going to tell you what happened. Instead, I am going to wait for the video and show you all that. Ponder on these in the mean time. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why oh Why?

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

It is 1:40am and I am about to head off to bed after a long but super fun day but I thought I would leave you with these for now.

Most of you may know exactly what the meaning behind these photos are, where as some of you may be totally perplexed as to why there is a giant cotton ball at an atm and what looks like a burnt up oompa loompa standing in shock. You will know tomorrow. 

Good Night and Namaste! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Random thoughts and Re-caps

Hello fellow Bloggers...

Consider this my mind dump from the last 2 months. It's a big one so brace yourselves.

  • I am at my lowest weight so far. 205 to be exact. I put on some over the holidays and have gotten rid of it already and even a little more. Woot Woot!
  • I GOT AN IPHONE!!! and I absolutely love it. I really don't know how I have gone without it for so long. I just don't understand how it performs the most complex of tasks but cannot do simple things like multimedia messaging. It's ok though. It still beats a blackberry anyday. Thanks Mr. Jobs!
  • Hillsong United is coming back to the U.S. in April and they are coming to Miami! I already have my ticket thanks my awesome sister and brother in law. That was probably the best christmas gift they have ever given me!
  • I am officially 22. Life is good on the second floor.
  • I have always wanted to love in Nashville, Tennessee but recently I have pondered on the idea of living in New York City.
  • I got a new Car!!! Well not really new but definitely better. I traded in my faithful little corolla for a faster and hotter Scion TC. I always have said that I am not a fast driver but I realize that it was because I drove a slow car. Vroom Vroom!
  • Did I mention I GOT AN IPHONE!
  • Football season is just about over. The superbowl is around the corner but I don't really care much for any of the teams playing. The dolphins had a magical season and I am proud of them but I still think we need to replace Chad Pennington (he has no arm). I attended a total of 4 home games, including the playoff game in which we were slaughtered. Go fins!
  • I love leading people in worship. I can't imagine myself doing anything else!
  • I am so frikkin excited for tomorrow (you will know why eventually)
  • This blog totally needs a new look. However, being that I no longer have access to photoshop, I will be updating my blog look as soon as I can aquire a legal version of the software. (Say no to cracks)

That is all...for now!

Here I am!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I hope this post is not written in vain since I half expect most of my readers (if I can call them that) have packed up and left to some other more populized blog. To this I can only say one thing.

I'm Sorry...

I really have no excuse to not blogging except that I didn't feel like it. After closely analyzing it, I realized that blogging is alot like going to the gym (for me at least). This is why.

  • Phases - Much like the gym, I tend to go through phases in which I might do it very well and consistently for a while and then go through other phases where I don't really care.
  • Better things to do?? - Much like the gym, blogging isn't something I really get excited about. I enjoy it but I don't stare at the clock at work counting down to when I can go home and blog about my day. I can think of about 37 better things to do of which about 9 of them are actually productive.
  • I need a push - Much like the gym, sometimes I need someone to push me a little bit. I have a co-worker who calls me at least once a week and says to me, "C'mon Robert, get your fat a$$ off the couch and let's go to the gym" (his words. not mine). And sometimes I call him and make him get off the couch. Just in a nicer way. Likewise, I Sometimes have freinds from church tell me, "hey, how come you haven't blogged lately?". Keep the pushin!
  • Satisfaction guaranteed - Much like the gym, I always get that satisfied feeling after blogging. I hate having to go the gym but I love that feeling I get when I'm driving home all sweaty and sore.

So consider this my formal apology for my dissapearance. I plan on blogging again. Thanks for sticking around.