Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yet another blogger newbie!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I am proud to say my worship pastor, Justin is officially blogging. It is pretty refreshing to see more CBGers blogging. So far, the only CBGers I know of that are blogging are 

If there are any more of you out there, please make yourself known so I can show you some link love on my blog roll. 

Anyways, don't forget to pay Justin a visit and drop him a comment.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

They're coming!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Today I got the email I have been waiting for for a while.

Check it out! can imagine how excited I am and even if nobody goes to this with me, I will go by myself. But if you are even remotely interested, drop me a comment with your email so I can start making plans. Words cannot explain how life changing this event was for me last year. Check out the details here

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Blogger Alert!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I am very proud to introduce a new blog today. It is the blog of one of my best friends. He was my very first worship pastor ever and was pretty much the guy who got me started in ministry. He always believed in me and helped me develop as a musician. This guy has probably been one of my most influential leaders I have had. He's a great guy and his blog is absolutely awesome! I should probably mention he's a web designer and the man responsible for the FRC website so you can only imagine how pimped out his blog is. Most of you probably already know him but I won't tell you who he is so you will just have to head over to his blog to find out. Make sure to show him some love, drop him a comment and add him to your blog roll.

Check it out here...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Friend of a friend!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

As many of you know, a few months ago, I attended a "Lost Launch Party" with a small group of people from my former church's worship team. Well, I got an interesting email today from a dear friend, Ernie, who also happens to be former FRC worship team member. I figured that rather than explain it to you, I would show you the email.

Greetings my friends and fellow LOST devotees!

I have a friend from high school who happens to be a first cousin of Josh Holloway. I sent her the pictures from your awesome premiere party, and she forwarded them to him. He was kind enough to send back an autographed picture for the FRC worship team. I'll mail the original but here's a scan of it.

Enjoy the new episode tonight. I love and miss you all very much!


How awesome is this! Thanks Ernie!

I think Sawyer is now my favorite lost character!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hello Fellow Bloggers...



(Refer to post below)

The big day!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well this is it. Today is the day I take my FINAL EXAM! This is the big one and this is the one that determines whether I graduate or not. Everything I have studied and learned for the last 18 months add up to today. I for the most part feel ready but at the same time, I am scared to death. I will be taking my final exam on the monster you see below.

The test consists of this:
I have 2 hours to complete a full drum recording session on my own. I will be supplied with a drummer and a song with no drums. Simple enough right...WRONG! I will also have an instructor in my face for most of the test asking me questions, pressing buttons to throw me off, trying to confuse me and even swearing at me just to make me more nervous. They say if we can handle a session with them, we can handle a session in the real world. A few months ago I was standing outside a studio watching a student take his final when he suddenly broke down and started crying in front of the board. A grown man crying and ultimately failing. That was was the day I said to myself "oh man, this is serious stuff". Everyone I have seen take this test has left the room literally dripping with sweat. Oh and I should probably mention that the temperature in the room is about 60 degrees.

The more I think about this the more nervous I get. I requested the day off from work so I could prepare both mentally and academically. I have my test from 6:00pm-8:00pm. This is where you (the readers) come in. Please if you have a hint of being the praying type, say a quick prayer for me today (especially around 6pm...ish). And be sure that I will be blogging about my results tonight.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

United as one

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Tonight was a powerful and memorable night. We had a meeting at my church with some members of the worship team to basically get together and talk about our role as worship leaders. We watched different videos from worship teams all over the world and saw that they all had one thing in common. They were all united in spirit and in truth and all had one common purpose. We all had a discussion about how worship is not just singing a few songs on the weekend but worship is lifestyle. A lifestyle we need to be living out day by day. My worship pastor, Justin talked about how we need to be united and encouraging to one another in all aspects. He also talked about how we need to project a life of true worshippers both on and off stage. This was so refreshing to hear and is something I have been praying about and stressing for a while now. 

Making the switch to Church by the Glades was not an easy one, but if I had any doubt at all about being here, I am now more sure than ever that CBG is my home and God has truly blessed me. I am in awe of how God works in our lives and I am truly honored to be part of a ministry that is truly united with one purpose to be instruments for God's glory and be able to impact lives through the gifts he has given us. 

Read more about it here

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Re-cap

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

- I hurt my back pretty badly on Thursday while playing football with some co-workers. At first it was just a little pain but by Friday morning, I literally could not even stand. I ended up staying in bed all day Friday and all Saturday morning and was on some pretty powerful drugs. I am much better now.

- This weekend I got to play keys at my church. It's been quite a while since I have played keys but was very fun nonetheless. Here is a picture of the rig I used. Special thanks to Heredes for loaning me his Fender Rhodes for the weekend. I got alot of comments on how awesome they sounded...and looked.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Love Laminin!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

A good friend sent me this video today and I just had to share it. I honestly have never heard Louie Giglio preach before and this Video just made me wish I could have gone to passion even more. This video proves how amazing our creator is in the way he made us. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Being a Light!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

One thing I am very proud of is the fact that over the last 18 months, I earned myself the reputation of "The Christian guy" in class. I am so thankful that I have been able to be a light (or at least try) to my class mates. Even the instructors know me as the christian guy. One day an instructor told the class to watch their fowl language in front of guests, then he yelled out sarcastically "Especially you Robert". And the other day I was in the school lobby on a phone call when I overheard another student asking around for me. I heard him ask the school cleaning lady, "have you seen Robert around? you know, the Christian guy...". Yesterday, all the guys in class were talking about going to a strip club after graduation when one of my classmates said, "Oh wait, Robert cant' go because Jesus won't like it" followed by classroom laughter. I must admit those were some pretty proud moments for me.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

- Matthew 5: 14-16

Are you being a light?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Final Stretch!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, last night was my official last day of "Class". I still have to go back for the next 2 weeks for final exams so technically I am not done yet but I can see the Finish Line. It feels so good to finally be finishing school. It's hard to believe that it's already been 18 months since I started going to school. I must admit, it has been a bumpy journey full of stress, long nights and Car accidents but God really used this season to teach me alot. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity go to a school that alot of people could only dream of going to. I have spent the last 3 weeks cramming as much info as I possibly can and I have once again started staying until 2am every night and I have even had full 12 hour sessions from 10am to 10pm. These next 3 days are going to be long but crucial and even though it sucks that I won't be able to go to Passion 08 this weekend with the gang, I am grateful that I am finally finishing school!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

random thoughts and recaps!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, I have had a few things on my mind since I'm too lazy to put into multiple posts, I'll just spit everything out at once. So here it is...

  • This past weekend, I had the opportunity to play at my church for the first time. I played bass and it was an awesome experience both technically, musically, and spiritually. 
  • Pastor Dave gave a great teaching on marriage that hit home even for us single folks and many lives were touched. 
  • I have met alot of really awesome people at Church by the Glades and am looking forward to getting to know them better. 
  • It's crunch time at school and I have about 8 days left to do labs. Can you say stress?
  • I cannot frikkin wait for Lost and The Office to start airing again.
  • My hair is finally starting to look good (my co-workers still make fun of me though)
  • I have finally gotten rid of all the "holiday weight" I put on from last year. (more info to come)
  • I am itching for a certain guitar and am fighting with myself on whether I should get it or not. 
  • Credit Cards are creations of satan.
  • I can't wait for Radiohead and Switchfoot!
Ok, I just realized that I totally copied Stacie with this post. (Hope she'll forgive me)
Stick around!