Monday, September 24, 2007

Naked Mobile

Here is my concept design for the 
"Naked Mobile"
This is the result of being sick in bed and completely bored!!!
Accidental Success!!
Hello Fellow Bloggers...A funny thing happend to me this past weekend. I was leading "Let the Praises Ring" at our Cooper City campus for the very first 5:15pm service on Saturday night. Everything was going great until my microphone stand decided to quit on me. The mic kept on falling down despite my numerous attempts to keep it from falling. At that time, a million thoughts were going through my mind. Should I stop playing and try to fix it? Should I get someone to help me? I was trying to come up with the least distracting solution. So I decided to literally throw my guitar down on the ground and just lead the rest of the song without the guitar. To my surprise , it ended up being a hit and in the end, we did the remaining 4 services the same way. Who would have known???

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Busch Gardens 2007
Hello Fellow Bloggers. It's been a while, so thanks for sticking around. I hope you like the new look. I came to the conclusion that "Rob's Blog" just wasn't quite that original, so I changed it to "Mind of Bert". I was also considering calling it "What's on my mind", but after hearing feedback from a couple of people I decided on "Mind of Bert". Let me know what you think. Well here are the photos from our trip to Busch Gardens a couple weeks back. I also made a short clip. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Mac Vs. PC 
Here is our submission for the contest....Enjoy
Hello fellow bloggers. Sorry for not being able to post in a while but it's been a busy 2 weeks. I have alot to tell you guys. Most of the stuff you already know about. For starters, I was fortunate enough to lead a song for the first time at our Cooper City campus. I lead the song, "Everlasting God" and it went awesome! The following week, I spent the little bit of free time I had trying to work on my video submission for the launch party contest. Let me know what you think!! I also got to spend labor day at Busch Gardens with some friends. I will hopefully have some photos up sometime this week.