Monday, December 31, 2007

Awesome Commercial!

Happymeal and a Dance anyone???

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Re-Cap

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, Christmas has come and gone as quickly as you can say Glomerular Filtration Rate (Courtesy of B-Vas and Stacie). This was a pretty memorable christmas for our family since it was the year we decided to start some new traditions. Seeing as I am Hispanic, we celebrated Nochebuena as usual.

We had an absolutely awesome meal thanks to my wonderful mother. (Seriously, she can make a living doing this!!). After dinner, we had our next door neighbors over for cookie decorating and gift opening.

My mom thought it would be cute for all of us to wear pajamas, and that became tradition #1.

Being the Awesome cookie dough baker that she is, my sister came up with the idea of decorating our own cookies which became Tradition #2.

Does my cookie rock or what?

Then Came the gifts...

Yes that's right...Guitar Hero came out for mac....AND I GOT IT!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Gifted Wrapper!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I just finished all my gift wrapping.
Can anyone guess what this is? (hint:clues are in the background)

I am Alive!!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Yes, that's right. I am alive!!. I am sorry I have been gone for such a long time. In all honesty, it's not that I have been too busy to post, or that I couldn't think of anything to post about. I have simply been lazy and have totally neglected it.

Here at we appreciate your continued support and loyalty and we would like to extend our most sincere apologies for our recent hiatus. All regularly scheduled posting will recommence henceforth (at least we will try.)

- Bert (Mind of Bert C.E.O.)

I honestly didn't really notice it had been so long since my last post until a certain someone made an eye opening statement to me via ichat.

Thanks for the push!!!

I'm back now

Now that I have extended my apologies, allow me to update you on some of the recent happenings in my life. 
  • My car repair is almost done and should be ready next week. 
  • A fellow employee gave me an F.M. transmitter for my ipod for secret santa so I can now listen to my tunes while driving my ugly yellow car
  • I am officially all caught up with my lab hours. In two months I went from having 109 lab hours to having over 275 lab hours all while working a full time job. Not Bad!!
  • Today is Christmas Eve and I just finished my Shopping. 
  • As with most americans, I have totally neglected my diet this month (details later) Tis the season to gain weight!!
 There is still much more I have to share so stay tuned!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I bought an iphone today!!!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Yes, you read correctly. I purchased an iphone today. However, before you start to feel happy for me, allow me to clarify. I did not purchase it for myself. Infact I didn't even really purchase it (No I didn't steal it). You see, tomorrow my brother in law Carlos will be traveling to Ecuador to visit his family and they asked him to bring them an iphone. For those of you who know me well, you know I wouldn't pass up a trip to the white and brushed metal heaven that is The Apple Store. So we went to get the iphone but apparently Apple no longer accepts cash for iphones because they want to be able to track them to prevent hacking or something like that (I'm still a little confused on the whole matter). Since I was the only one that had my credit card on me, I forcefully volunteered to pay with my card and take the cash. So there you have it. I can finally say I purchased an iphone even though I am still using my mute math phone.

Hillsong Conference Update

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, it's been about 1 month since I went to the Hillsong United Conference, and I still feel like it was just yesterday that I came back. I know I have said this over and over again, but this conference totally changed my life and opened my eyes to what true worship really is. I can't wait until the next conference. Today I discovered a really cool website I wanted to share with you guys. It's actually a blog created by someone who attended the conference. It's written in portuguese (enjoy Heredes!!) but it has some really great pictures, videos, and sound clips. Here is an example. Enjoy!!

Next up....Passion 08!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Rabbit in Your Headlights

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

As many of you know, I am a pretty big fan of the band Radiohead. My brother in law Carlos got me into them a few months ago and I have become absolutely hooked. Their music is pretty weird yet awesome at the same time. Their lyric is very poetic and abstract so one song can have a specific meaning to one person and a total different meaning to someone else. 

 allow me to share one with you guys. 

This song is actually not a Radiohead song but it is sung by the band's lead singer Thom Yorke. The song is by a british band called UNKLE. I'll let you watch the video first then I'll tell you what I got out of it.

As you can see the man starts walking down a highway wearing a heavy coat or parka. Some say that the parka represents his thoughts weighing him down and making him oblivious to everything else. As he keeps getting run over again and again, he is totally ignored and even laughed at by the people around him (remind you of anyone?). He finally takes off his coat, gives a slight smile and opens his arms in a crucifix like position. It seems like he has become invincible and is totally aware of it. Well, you know what happens next. 

Ever feel like you are the one carrying that heavy coat and being weighed down by it. Ever feel like life is running you over and it seems like no one cares? God wants us to take off that coat that keeps weighing us down, and be invincible.

What's your parka?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Accident Update

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, despite its been one day since my accident, I am pretty calm and at ease. Words can not explain how much you guys' comments, text messages, voice mails, and twitter updates, have helped raise my spirits and bring me peace. Not to mention what God has done!!!.....check this out.

As many of you know, I am a teller at WaMu (the dream job of every aspiring Musician/Audio Engineer). Well, all morning today I was worried sick about the elderly lady involved in the accident. I guess I forgot to mention that she just recently had open heart surgery (according to the cop I spoke to). I was so worried that this whole ordeal would have an effect on her heart. I have been praying that she would be ok and God answered my prayer so clearly that he even sent a messenger. I got a customer that did not have a wamu account but wanted to cash a wamu check. I proceeded to take his ID's and cash the check. As I was giving him the cash, I couldn't help but notice that this gentlemen looked very familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. I noticed he was carrying a supply bag that looked kind of like a fanny pack that read "LA RESCUE". As he grabbed his bag and started to turn away it hit me. This guys was one of the paramedics from the accident. In fact he was the only one of the 5-10 paramedics at the scene who actually approached me and asked me if I needed medical attention. Before he could leave I said "wait a were one of the paramedics from the accident yesterday". He gave me a confused look at first then smiled and said, "Oh yea I remember you". At first I thought, "wow, what a small world". But then it hit me that God had sent this "messenger" as an answer to my prayers. I asked him about the elderly lady and he told me she was fine and not to worry. He said she was just a little shaken up from the whole thing but everything was ok. I felt like a thousand pounds was just raised from my back. I could have cared less about my car, or all the bills I have to pay. All I cared about was that she was ok. THANK YOU JESUS!!!

As for my car, I drove it to the shop yesterday. When I got there, the guy told me, "this car is undriveable how did you make it here?". The left front wheel on the car was bent in and apparently it could have fallen off at any moment. God was watching over me again as usual (Thanks G). The guy at the body shop who inspected my car said that the damages look "extensive " and they are probably worse than they look. The car was hit on the drivers side but the impact was so hard that it looks like it bent the interior frame of the car. I actually couldn't get my glove box on the passenger's side open after the accident. The body shop guy told me he guesses it's about $8,000+ worth of repairs. He's gonna email me an accurate total later this week. Thank God for Insurance!!!

In the meantime, this is what I'm driving...

Don't get me wrong, it's a decent car but I have one MAJOR complaint (and it's a big one)
The car only has a radio...yes you read correctly, ONLY A aux input, no CD player, and no tape player. I'm not sure how I will survive without my usual servings of mute math, Hillsong United, Radiohead and switchfoot on my long commutes.

Stay tuned for more updates!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, today was not an easy day for me. I got in a pretty bad car accident. I was driving home from work on my lunch break and I got distracted and ended up going through a red light. An elderly lady was driving the car that hit me and she was ok but pretty shaken up. Thank God no one was injured but I can't help but feel bad because the accident was my fault. This is not my first car accident (I'm not a bad driver - I promise!!!) but it is the first time I am at fault. Even though it was pretty bad, I am grateful because it could have been worse. I have been on the phone all day with claim adjusters, Insurance people, car rental companies, and body shops. Quiet honestly this accident couldn't have come at a worse time. With my crazy school schedule, Piling bills, and little sleep, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I have prayed alot today for God just to help me trust him. I just keep going back to the verse that says

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

- Romans 8:28

I really need you guys' prayers on this. It's not an easy situation but I am totally trusting God to take control of the situation. Please pray for the health of the lady that was involved also!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week/Weekend Re-cap

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, first off I would like to send out my sincere apologies to you guys for kinda disappearing for a while and not posting. It's been an extremely busy week with school, work, and church so I figured I would update you on what's been going on.
Big Test!!
During the week I had to take a big test on the board you see above!!....This board is called an SSL and is a world famous board. They say that about 80-90% of the music we listen to today was recorded on an SSL. In fact this board has been on quit a trip. It originated in Nashville, Tennessee then made it's way to London, England where Duran Duran recorded an album on it, yes that's right Duran Duran recorded on this actual board. From there it made its way to SAE Miami down where it currently resides. I couldn't believe it but I was one of the two people in my class that got a 100 on my test.

In the Studio

- I also got to record a drum track for a friend's project. I'm not much of a drummer but I really wanna get better!!

Thanksgiving Event

For Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to do sound for a community outreach event we had with the FRC Hallandale band. It was a great experience and great practice for me considering I would love to get into the Live Sound Industry. I got to be there and experience first hand the from the setup, connections, sound check, show, and break down. I love being part of a church that can impact our community in such a powerful way!!!
This weekend I also had the opportunity to worship at FRC's Hallandale Campus. The worship was awesome and I got to play electric guitar for the first time, and my sister got to play acoustic guitar for the first time. I don't consider myself much of a guitarist but I wanna get better. I also got to lead and play electric guitar for our spanish Hallandale and Cooper City services. The weekend's set list in general was awesome!!!

  • The Time has Come - Hillsong United
  • One Way - Hillsong United 
  • You Alone are God - Hillsong 
  • Hosanna - Hillsong United 
  • Your Grace is Enough - Tu Gracia Senor - Chris Tomlin 
  • Majestic - Majestuoso Rey - Lincoln Brewster 
  • Came to my Rescue - Me Viniste a Rescatar - Hillsong United 
  • Mighty to Save - Dios Puede Salvar - Hillsong 
As you can see, most of the songs we did were from Hillsong so you can imagine how happy I was when first I saw the set list. 

Well that pretty much wraps up my week/weekend....thanks again for sticking around!!! 

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another "Newbie" Alert!!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Apparently this blogger thing is catching on. Yet another victim has fallen into the blog cult. 

Be sure to check out my brother in law's blog. It's not what you would usually read about but he is kinda weird so be nice (hahaha....j/k)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Newbie on the blogger block!!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...and thanks for sticking around

Well, today is a special day. I am very proud to introduce the grand opening of a brand new blog. It's not my blog, however, It is none other than my sister's blog. She is finally graduating from the ashes of myspace and joining the big boys' (and girls) here at blogger. So be sure to pay her a visit here and drop a comment.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Diet Week 7

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, the numbers are in and I lost a total of 1 pound this week. Not bad considering I was in Orlando with a bunch of other young people and all we ate was fast food!

That is All

- Bert

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Hello Fellow Bloggers...

On Monday, I was walking around Best Buy with my grandfather trying to find a jazz CD he wanted, when suddenly I saw they had a game system (I'm not even sure which one) setup with a Guitar Hero demo. Now I used to be a big video game geek when I was younger, but I guess I outgrew it or something because they just don't interest me as much as they used to. However, due to all the hype I've been hearing about this Guitar Hero game and how fun it is, I figured, "what the heck, I'll try it". Well, you guessed it. I got hooked!! I literally spent about half an hour playing that freaking demo over and over again. And I kept playing the same song "Sweet Child of Mine" from Guns and Roses. Every time I got better and better, and I really felt like Slash (former lead guitarist of Guns and Roses) even though I can't play electric guitar if my life depended on it. There were even little kids patiently waiting behind me to have their turn at the game. I eventually gave in and let them play, and kept walking around the store. However, soon enough I was back playing again. I don't mean to sound like a geek, but this is a really cool game. They should come out with something even more challenging, though, like "Saxophone Hero" or something. Just a thought...

- any other "_____ hero" suggestions?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


- 2 round mouse pads (couldn't decide on one color)
                            $0.99 each

- 2 awesome looking CD/DVD holders
                     $4.99 each

 - 2 sodas 
    $1.00 each


Finally Being able to  say I went to IKEA

Sunday, November 11, 2007

HIllsong United Conference Day 2

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Last night was absolutely incredible and God moved in awesome ways. There was an overwhelming presence that filled the auditorium in what I think was the most intense worship experience of my life. God spoke to us in a tremendous ways through the teachings and workshops, and the auditorium was even more full than the night before. God really spoke to our hearts and told us what we needed to hear. I truly believe that it was God's will for the people that went to that conference to be there. I now truly see what it means for the body of Christ to be United as one church with one voice and one vision to reach the world for Jesus Christ. There were a total of 43 US states and 6 different nations represented at the conference. People traveled from literally across the country to attend this event. We were so blessed to have the conference just "down the street" (you know what I mean). I truly wish you could have all been here with us. 

50, 100,000, 150,000,000 
To reach South Florida and the World...UNITED WE STAND!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

HIllsong United Conference Day 1

Today's Schedule

Hillsong United Conference Day 1

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
This is the first time (and probably the last) I have internet access on this whole trip so I figured I would blog really quick about our experience so far. RIght now is exactly 9:11am and day 2 of the Hillsong United Conference is about to begin. Last night was absolutely amazing!! The Auditorium filled up really quickly and everybody was very excited for the conference to start. We were all doing the wave while we awaited the band to come out. The lights went down, the screaming started and a mute math song started playing as the band came out and a intro video started playing. I must say I had goosebumps when the lights went up and the band started singing. The worship was absolutely incredible! The auditorium was filled with broken worshipers on their knees and Hillsong Youth pastor Phil Dooley gave an awesome teaching. It has been an amazing experience so far. We are about to get started so I have to sign off for now. WISH YOU ALL WERE HERE!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Diet Week 6

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, I will go ahead and make this post short and to the point. I gained a total of 3 pounds this week. That's right, I said GAINED (Let the scolding begin!!.....comment below ). I totally gave in to temptation and cheated ALOT! However I'm not gonna kill myself over it. My good friend Danisa commented the following on an older post :

"Robert, it is more important to continue to move forward with a loss this week, than to dwell in the frustration and stay there another week. Get started again, like the first day. Find creative ways to move your body more during the day. Park far, do not use elevators, dance a good song in the morning before shower."

- Danisa Suarez

I admit I have slowly let the diet slip away, but like Danisa said, I will just get started again as if were the first day. That's the great thing about making this diet public, if I wouldn't have told anyone about it, then I wouldn't have to be accountable to anyone, and I honestly wouldn't have cared much. This morning, however when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained weight, the first thing that came to mind was, "how am I gonna break it to them?"

Thanks for the Inspiration fellow bloggers...keep em coming!!!

It seemed that this week I let myself go during the Ocala trip, and just went downhill from there!!

This weekend, I will be in Orlando for the Hillsong United Conference, and I will be traveling with a bunch of eaters, So keep me in your prayers!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Well, it's Monday, and I am back to my normal routine. Went to work this morning, then went to school right after (currently there). As many of you know, I was in Ocala, FL. over the weekend visiting my Dad. I had the opportunity to run sound for a hispanic festival his church was having. It was lots of fun and plenty of practice for me. As I am nearing graduation from school, I have been thinking alot about what I will be doing when I get out of here. One thing that has interested me for a while is Live Sound. This basically means doing sound for live events. I would love to travel with a band someday as their sound engineer and tour with them. However, It seems that the closer I am getting to graduation, the more I start to worry about the future. Where will I be 10 years from now??I mean, 12 years ago, I was a pastor's kid living in a normal family who played piano and wanted to be an architect. 8 years ago, I was your average 12 year old kid from a dysfunctional family who still liked music and wanted to be a computer animator. Today I am a 20 year old young man, who's passion has become music and ministry. You never know what the future holds and no matter what plans you may have for yourself, sometimes you just gotta let God take control, because his plans for you are greater than you can imagine!! Who knows?? maybe in 10 more years, I'll be a Doctor?

Just a thought

- Bert

Friday, November 02, 2007

Mute Math Recap

Good Evening Fellow Bloggers...
Well, it's about 1am and I just got home from what I would say was the best Mute Math show I have ever attended. It's been about 2 years since I first saw them in concert and they just get better every time The energy, music, lights and vibe was absolutely amazing. I forgot to bring my camera, but had plenty of friends who took pictures. As soon as I get a hold of them, I'll post them. However, I do have one interesting picture below. After the show, I had the opportunity to see Darren King (the drummer) and Paul Meany (lead singer) outside by their bus. I already have the signed cd and sticker and what not, so I figured I would have them sign my phone. Sure it's not an iphone, but now it's a mute math phone!!!
Their Set List was:
  • Collapse
  • Typical
  • Chaos
  • Clock Works (New Song)
  • Plan B
  • Stare at the Sun
  • Obsolete 
  • Control
  • Stall Out  
  • Noticed
  • Break the Same
  • You are Mine
  • Peculiar People 
  • Reset

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Diet Week 5

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Well it's official I lost 4 more pounds this week for a grand total of 10 pounds. That leaves, 40 pounds to go. I was actually very surprised to see that I had lost 4 pounds, especially with me not going to the gym anymore due to my school schedule. I also had another cheat day, where I didn't do as well. However, every other day, I did really good. This weekend I'm going to be going up to Ocala to visit my Dad for a couple days, and I really am hoping and praying that I behave up there. Of course I mean that in terms of what I will be eating. I will have to give my dad a heads up before I go up there. No junk food and no meals after 7:00pm.....ok maybe just a little junk food. Keep me in your prayers!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lab Time?

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
As many of you know, due to my procrastination, I now spend pretty much every night of the week at school doing lab time. As a result, I have had alot of people approach me and asked "what exactly does lab time mean?". Well, bloggers, I figured that rather than trying to explain it to you, I would show you.

When I am doing Lab hours.....I don't mean this...

I mean this...

This was what would be considered our first major studio project. Our assignment was to create an original 60 second radio jingle and a 30 second radio jingle. Carlos and I decided to make a movie trailer for the radio. I must say it came out awesome!!! As soon as I can figure out how to post audio files on here, I will upload it so you can all hear it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

They're Here!!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Well, the time has come and I now officially have tickets to the 2 events I have been anticipating all year. That's right, I am talking about none other than the Mute Math Show, and Hillsong United Conference!!! For those of you who don't know who Mute Math is, please oh please look them on youtube (you won't be disappointed). And United is the youth worship band of one of today's most influential and innovative churches, Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. I am so hooked on Mute Math and Hillsong United's CD's and DVD's. I am and have been so excited and pumped about these events for a long time now. The last time Mute Math was in town, I bought my ticket well in advanced and couldn't wait to go see them, but an emergency came up and I had to travel that same day. I ended up giving the ticket to a friend who is now a die hard mute math fan so I guess it was for the best. As for the Hillsong United Conference, this is the first time they hold one of these conferences in North America. They could have held it in any state they wanted, which would have forced us to drive far or fly out to make it to the conference. BUT THEY CHOSE ORLANDO!!!....that's right I said Orlando as in 3 and 1/2 hour drive Orlando. As many of you know, I am extremely passionate about Worship and Music Ministry so I absolutely have to go to this, and the fact that it's down the street just confirms to me that God wants me to go. I plan to post some pictures and notes I take so stay tuned. United Tickets are sold out, but there is still hope for those Mute Math Procrastinator fans out there, but hurry because it's this Thursday!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

All Nighter!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

If you noticed in the picture of my toolbar above, you can see that not only is my battery low on my laptop, but It is 5:02am. Contrary to what you may be thinking, I did not just wake up really early (I am so not a morning Person). I have not gone to sleep. I came and spent the night at my sister's house, since we are both serving at Doral tomorrow (or should I say Today). The weird thing is I am not even tired. It's been such an exhausting week that I crashed on my couch today (yesterday) after work and as a result I cannot sleep now. I have spent the entire night keeping myself busy doing meaningless and meaningful things to make the time pass by
some include:
  • Pimping up my Myspace
  • Chatting with Annette on ichat
  • Re-Watching old Episodes of "Lost" on my sister's brand new 50" Plasma TV
  • Planning for the weekend at Doral (Heredes is on Vacation, so I am leading for him)
  • Playing the Guitar
  • Playing the Piano
  • Watching Live Concerts of Incubus, Radiohead, and Mute Math
  • Playing more Guitar
  • Blogging
  • Reflecting and Thinking
Well as you can see, most of the things I have been doing all night have been totally meaningless...

Well, I must now sign off because my battery is about to die, and I have to get ready for church (and stop by starbucks on my way)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Diet Week 4

Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Well Frustration is starting to kick in. I lost a total of 0 Pounds this week. This was definitely the worst week so far. As many of you know I have had a drastic schedule change recently and as a result, I have not been back to the gym. For the first time since I started the diet, I fell off the boat. And I fell off badly. On Sunday night a couple of us got together at my sisters house to hang out, and there was a lot of junk food. Earlier that day I had alot of people approach me and tell me I look thinner. Well I guess I used that as an excuse and I pigged out. At first I didn't touch anything, but eventually temptation gave in (Such a shame, especially since that's what the topic was for that weekend). I ended eating like 5 little chicken wings, and a bunch of oreos. I gotta admit, It felt good, but afterwards, the guilt started to set in. As you can see now, it obviously wasn't worth it. The week is over and I didn't lose an ounce. Time to get back on track!!!