Saturday, September 27, 2008

My College Pick!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

So here it is. My 0fficial college football team is... Sorry it took me so long to post. 
(Cue drum roll)

Ok so I picked the Tennessee Vols a few weeks ago. Why you ask? well here it is. 
  • I am in love with the state of Tennessee and still have hopes of one day living there (particularly in Nashville). 
  • My friend Heather, knowing I have a strange love for Tennessee, gave me a Vols sticker a few months back after a trip she took to Tennessee. I put the sticker on my Guitar Case and ever since then I have had alot of people ask me if I am a Vols fan. I just say "No I just really like Nashville". Well now I am a Vols fan. Be proud Heather! 
  • One of my favorite NFL quarterbacks, Peyton Manning who currently plays for the Indianapolis Colts used to play for Tennessee. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hello Fellow Bloggers...
I am so excited that football season is finally here. I have always been a fan of football but never really got into it until a few years ago when my friend Miguel got me into really following the season. I've been hooked ever since. Last season I was able to make it to 2 dolphins and hopefully this year I will be able to go to more. Here are my top 5 the teams.

Miami Dolphins
Philadelphia Eagles

Seattle Seahawks

Indianapolis Colts

New York Giants

Now when it comes to college football, I have never really been a fan. One of my friends told me, "Just pick a team and root for them". Seems easy enough so I picked one. I won't tell you who though. I will reveal that tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hello Fellow Bloggers... 

I have spent all this week fighting and fighting a cold. It hit me right on Sunday morning last week and hasn't left ever since. I have taken tons of medicine, fruit, liquids, vitamins and it has not gone away. Today it finally seemed to settle down a bit. However, this weekend is the first weekend I play acoustic guitar and lead a song at my church in the main service. I have been pretty excited yet worried that I worried I wouldn't be able to sing due to my sore throat. Well, I made it through today but I cannot talk anymore and my throat is once again killing me. As I write this I am drinking fresh squeezed lime juice and honey to help soothe my throat. All I can do now is go to sleep, pray, and hope that I'll wake up with a voice. Goodnight Blog world!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back from Vacation!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, unfortunately my vacation time is officially over. I spent 4 days in Ocala, Fl with my dad and a few days relaxing at home. At Ocala, I pretty much did nothing but sleep, eat, watch tv, surf the net, sleep some more, eat some more and sleep even more. It wasn't like your typical vacation where you go to a million places and are always out. I relaxed so much and am now nice and refreshed and am ready to back to work. It was my dad's birthday on the 11th (I know...what a day right?) and we spent it fishing. Fishing has been something my dad and I have loved doing ever since I was a little kid. And since I was little, I always catch more fish than my dad! We didn't catch any this time but still had a good time. Here are a few photos of my vacation.

Back to Work!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lots to do!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

As many of you know, I am currently in Ocala, Florida visiting my dad for the week. His birthday is this week, So I thought I would spend the week with him. For those of you who don't know where Ocala is, it's about an hour and a half north of Orlando. 

  • The bad thing about Ocala is that there is nothing to do but eat, sleep, watch tv and surf the net. 
  • The good thing about Ocala is that there is nothing to do but eat, sleep, watch tv and surf the net. 
I always look forward to coming to Ocala because it gives me a chance to relax and do nothing!
Today, however, I discovered one more thing to do in this small town. 


Oh yea and there's also fishing. We're doing that on Thursday!

Follow me!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Today I discovered a pretty cool widget to add to my sidebar. It's my follower widget. According to my sources at google, I have 11 subscribers to this blog and I have no idea who they are. So, if you are a reader of "Mind of Bert", then do me a favor and add yourself to my follower list on the left sidebar. 

Take that worpress!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Anyone like Impressions?

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, today I did something new. I went to the Audiologist (that's fun to say) to get impressions of my ear canal. Why you ask? I have finally decided to order my first pair of custom fit IEM's or IN EAR MONITORS. Recently, I have been finding myself using in ears alot, especially at church. Now custom molded EIM's generally can run anywhere between $400.00 - $1200.00 so it's not really something I have been able to do, however, last time Anthony Evans led worship with us, he told me about some that he uses. They are much more affordable and according to the reviews I have read, they sound and feel great. Getting the impressions done felt wierd to say the least. It was like someone shoved play dough into my ears and I couldn't hear a peep for 5 minutes until it hardened. I absolutely cannot wait to get them in. I'll let yall know when they come in. 

Did I really just use the word yall???

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

...Aaaannndd I'm back!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...Thanks for sticking around!

As you've probably noticed, I have not blogged in exactly one month. I was planning on doing so a few weeks back but instead decided to not blog for a month. So here I am! 

Here are a few of the things I have been holding in. 

1. I am still in shock about the Michael Guglielmucci Healer Scandal. I first heard about it from this blog. This sucks to say the least but I still believe this is a powerful song and has so much power to transform lives. Guglielmucci has released a statement recently. Read it here


3. My music sight is officially up. Check it out here. I am still working on it so be patient.

4. September 25th. Enough said there.