Sunday, June 29, 2008

Reason to love a mac #3497

I just found this really old picture while attempting to clean up my documents folder.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Planting a Seed

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I usually don't post sappy or inspirational posts like this but I have to tell you guys about something pretty frikkin awesome I experienced recently. I know this quite a long post but I am sure you won't be disappointed. Trust me!

Let me start from the beginning
Back when I was in high school, during my Junior year, there was a girl who sat behind me in my Geometry Class (yea I was pretty bad at math). I won't disclose names so we will just call her Regina. Anyways, as I got to know Regina, I felt the strange need to talk to her about Jesus. It was one of those things where you don't know why but you just feel the need to do it. So I spent alot of time talking to her about God, Jesus, Death, Heaven and other topics. Now at the time I was attending my old hispanic church but would go to FRC every now and then on Saturday nights and First Wednesdays. One day I finally told her, hey you should come to church with me and my sister. I explained to her how I attended a hispanic church but I knew about a great American church she would enjoy. Well, needless to say, she quickly shot me down (not the first time I get shot down by a girl). She said she didn't really feel the need to go to church and thanked me anyways. I told her the offer was always on the table. 

As time passed I continued to keep her in prayer and knew that God wasn't done with her. That same year, "The Passion of the Christ" came out in movie theaters and everyone and their mother had gone to see it. So one day in geometry class, Regina approached me and said what I had been wanting to hear for a while. She said, "hey Robert, I went to go see Passion of the Christ this weekend and I cried like a baby" I was like yea ok so did everyone else. She then said, "I want to go to church!" I was like WHAAAAT! I was so happy I couldn't believe it. So I told my sister about it and my sister took her to church. My sister was attending Calvary Chapel at the time and decided to take her there. All in all they went to church once together had a cup of coffee and pretty much never saw each other again. Unfortunately, we kinda lost contact once we went on to our Senior year and eventually graduated. 

Here's where it gets good
Now I would be lying if I said that I constantly thought about and prayed for her after high school. To be quite honest, I just figured it to be like most of my high school friends that I would never see again. Every now and then I would think, "I wonder how Regina is doing" but that's it. Now about a week after Easter, I was going through my usual blogs on my RSS reader when I found a particular video on someone's blog. The Video was an Easter Recap from FRC. So I was watching the video when suddenly who do you know shows up on the video?


She talked about how it was the best Easter she had experienced because she gave her life to Jesus. Ok, now I must say that if it wasn't for me using my sister's laptop at the time I probably would have thrown it across the room and started jumping for joy. I immediately called out for my sister to come watch the video. She too was in awe and we both had chills. We were ecstatic at the fact that the person we were trying bring to Christ in high school not only went to church again, but she went to the church I was constantly inviting her to, and got saved there. 

It gets even better!
During the next 2 weeks, I was praying hard for God to let me bump in to her somewhere or somehow. I wanted to see if she was kept going to church and congratulate her on her new birth. I spent hours looking her up on myspace and had no luck. I had pretty much given up. One day I went to the gym on a Tuesday night as usual and as I was getting off the treadmill, who do you think I spot on the treadmill behind me?


She didn't recognize me at first(thinner, long hair, beard, ears pierced, and glasses....who could blame her?) but once I waved she recognized me. I couldn't believe I finally found her. Seriously people, I have bumped into maybe 10 people since I graduated 3 years ago. She told me she lives in Miramar and is never in my neighborhood but came to that gym because her sister had invited her (If that's not a God thing, I dunno what is). 

Ok so here's where it gets crazy 
We got to talking and I asked her if she was still going to church. What she answered almost floored me. She said she was still going to church and was now officially on staff. HUH!!! "excuse me did you just say staff?" I couldn't believe it! She explained to me how she was volunteering in the pre-school ministry at FRC's Hallandale Campus. She said she has been learning and growing alot at FRC and that God has blessed her big time. She said that they decided her to offer her a official position the pre-school director at Hallandale. 

Almost Done!
Words cannot describe how it feels to see that the girl God was tugging me to talk to about him not only ended up getting saved at the very church that I had been inviting her too but was on staff and was now impacting lives herself. She told me that she had been thinking about my sister and I alot lately and wanted to thank us for what we did back in high school. It just goes to show you that even when you might not see the fruits of what you sew immediately, God is working as long as you obey and plant the seed!

- being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:6 (New International Version)

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hello Fellow Bloggers...

This week, I received a letter I have been waiting for for almost 2 years now!

18 months of hard work, long nights and lots of prayer have finally paid off! THANK YOU JESUS!

My graduation won't be until August! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Random Thoughts and Re-Caps

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Here is what is on my mind lately

  • I am down to 225lbs. Someone told me that when I don't blog about my weight they just assume I am not doing good. Well Booyah! Slowly but surely. 
  • I miss LOST and The Office
  • I love my church 
  • I can't wait till the Hillsong United Conference
  • Everyday I literally day dream about the day I work full time doing music. 
  • At church this weekend, I was sitting in on one of the services when I leaned over and told my sister that the guy in front of us looked like Ed Young. Well, it turned out it was him. Nice guy too!
  • An Ostrich's brain is smaller than one of its eyeballs (I just thought that was interesting)
  • I finally got my Stimulus Check (Woo Hoo)
  • Ever since I switched back to Tiger, Guitar Hero III won't run on my laptop anymore. (GRRRRR)
  • I need a new phone. Preferably an iphone (More details in future post)
  • Thanks to Stacie, SCL has now become one of my favorite Blogs. 
  • I am finally happy with my hair. I get at least one customer a day at my job that compliments me on my hair. An old guy told me I should invest in a comb and a girl from my youth group asked if she could touch it (Weird!). 
  • If I could be like anyone in the Bible, it would be David because of his song writing skills (Better than Bono). He also had wicked Bowstaff skills. Or was that a slingshot?
  • Youtube is addictive. 
  • Some people still need to read my Twitter Rant (and no I wasn't mad)

         That is all

Friday, June 06, 2008

My first LOST Discovery!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

 If you have not seen the season 4 finale of LOST, then disregard the following post. and it's affiliates will not be held responsible for spoiled episodes or emotional distress caused from reading this post. Furthermore, if you do not watch LOST and do not even care about the show than continue reading post. 

As many of  you know, LOST is quite an exciting show that has crazy twists and turns. Every now and then there are little details in the episodes that most people don't catch until you re-watch the episode or slow it down (Like the writing on Charlie's hand in the beginning of season 4). Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to say that I have finally discovered one on my own. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure many other people have discovered this. But no one I know!!

In the season 4 finale, as you all remember Martin Keamy straps a heart rate monitor to his arm which is linked to a C4 Bomb on board the freighter. Now, while we were watching the episode a few weeks back at Carlos' house and Martin first flashes his "heart rate monitor" I immediately yelled out, "Hey that looks like a guitar tuner!" The only one that seemed to agree with me at the time was Yoel (And they wonder why bassists are so smart). Well a few days back I was re-watching the finale and when I saw the "heart rate monitor" I remembered that it looked like the tuner so I paused it and examined it. The guitar tuner it reminded me of was a Korg Guitar/Bass tuner that I happen to own. After carefully comparing the two I discovered that I was wrong. The item on Martin Keamy's arm was not a Korg Guitar Tuner. It was actually a Korg Metronome. That's right people, the Genius prop artists for LOST decided to use a $30.00 Cheap metronome that you can find at any music store, painted it gray, added some designs and a flashing green light and VOILA you have just made yourself a C4 detonator/Heart rate monitor. Seriously though look at the two pictures very carefully and you will see that they are literally identical. The buttons, the screen, the arch on the side, and even the moving needle are exactly alike. 

So there you have it folks. I have discovered my first LOST hidden detail. Now I don't think this detail will help us or give us any clues (e.g.  Martin bought it at a guitar center in L.A. where Charlie happened be to working at the time as a guitar salesman) but still I thought it was pretty cool. 

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My Twiiter Anal-ness!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

For those of you who don't know what Twitter is, it is s a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send "updates"or "tweets" answering the question, "What are you doing". I have been a twitter user for almost a year now thanks to Miguel and although I am not the most frequent twitterer, I try to always twitter correctly. Now when I say, "twitter correctly" I mean that I try to answer the question "What are you doin". This is why twitter is called a micro-blog.
Here is the statement found on twitter's home page.   
Now, I am not to picky about how people twitter but there are 3 types of twitterers that annoy me:

     1. The Shadow Twitterer - This is the twitterer who feels the need to update the world on every move they make. 
      For Example: 
  • 10:00am - Entering my car
  • 10:02am - Driving
  • 10:26am - Exiting my car
  • 10:28am - Walking through front door

     2. The ichat Twitterer - This refers to the twitterers who decide to use twitter as their new instant messaging application. Seriously people, text messages and IM' are much more effective than this. And if making your conversation public is what you want, just send an email. 

     3. The "Huh?" Twitterer - This is the twitterer who chooses to answer someone else's tweet with one word like "Turkey", or "Superman". Whenever I see these types of tweets I am forced to scroll down to all my other friends' tweets to see what the heck they are talking about. Then I find another twitterer's tweet saying "Wondering what I should have for lunch" or "Wondering what a good movie to rent might be". I ain't a psychic!

Here is an example of how not to tweet:
  • John: Does anybody know what's good playing at movies?
  • Amy: Ironman
  • John: @amy Thanks
Here is an example of how to have the same dialogue in twitter language:
  • John: Wondering what good movie is playing at the movies
  • Amy: Thinking John would enjoy Ironman
  • John: Watching Ironman thanks to Amy's recommendation

      Ok so there you have it. That is my twitter rant! Hopefully this helps. If there are still some of you out there saying, "what's this guy talking about. That's just his opinion" Here is a video directly from And if you don't have twitter and are a blogger, look into it. You might just like it.