Well I just got home from school and I was planning about blogging about something. However, I just saw a Video on Heredes' Blog that brought back alot of memories. You see, it turns out Heredes used to be in marching band just like me. For some of you this may come as a shock since I don't really come across as the geeky type. (yes I am also sarcastic). To this day, whenever I have a funny band story I am about to tell, one of my friends always interrupts and shouts out "this one time at band camp...". Miguel and Carlos actually attended to one of my games when I was in high school and sometimes like to imitate me marching. I have always been teased about it but it really doesn't bother me. In fact, I even make fun of myself alot. I played trumpet and baritone and those 4 years were ones I will never forget and I would do it again in a heartbeat if I could. I tried to dig up a video like Heredes' but had no luck. I did however find some pictures. Enjoy!! (Sorry for the bad picture quality)

Yes!!! Band geeks unite !!
haha ... good times
I was in band only til 8th grade...
NERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky for me I'm not a nerd (I can be sarcastic too).
I like the last pic... nice hair LOL.
I played the baritone too! Only in middle school, but I was first chair!!! I remember those band nerd days...I loved those outfits! (yes, I speak fluent sarcasm too)
so this comment has nothing to do with you and your geekness.
My awesome family gets together at Mo's house every Monday night at 7pm. You are more than welcome to test our family, and if you wanna keep us, we would totally adopt you!!! Your geekness an all!
Not a band geek, but definately was a chorus geek, which is probably worse in some states by law. If u asked Martin I bet he'd say Im a geek. haha
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