Today I found out I will be going to Winter Camp with FRC's Student Ministry "The Road". I will be doing tech and will be serving as a leader to the high school guys. All I can say is that I am FREAKING EXCITED!!! I plan to share plenty of pictures and experiences so stick around. in the words of IE, "WOOT WOOT"

Oh my goodness.. you'll love that's sweet! No get to to NC. Bring me back something to remind me of home, k? Preferably snow. haha. Have too much fun!
awesome! I'm so happy for you!!!!!
No se por que me acordé de la niña que está en la parada del camión y cuando llega el camión, le pregunta al conductor desde abajo: "Perdone... ¿Va para Chapultepec? a lo que el Chofer le responde... ¡Si niña! entonces la niña con cara melancólica le dice: "Que se divieeeeeeerta".... (Mexican joke)
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