Saturday, February 02, 2008

Lost Party

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, I was planning on blogging about my experience at a recent Lost party I attended this past Thursday, however since I took so long to do it, some fellow bloggers beat me to it so I figured that rather than tell you myself, I would let you guys read about it from them. Check it out here and here. All I would like to say is KUDOS to Michelle Garcia for planning the coolest Lost Party I have ever been to. Actually it's the only Lost party I have ever been to. Her creativity just amazes me. She is actually the "Famous Designer" that made me my tuxedo shirt I wore to the My Naked Pastor launch party. It ended up being pretty popular and people couldn't believe it was handmade. Thanks Mickey!!...Oh yea and the second half of the party was Rock Band. All I would like to say about that is you absolutely cannot play Rock Band or Guitar Hero without Kyle Johnson! 


Stacie said...

We've gotta talk LOST!!!!