Monday, February 11, 2008

Bold Confession

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Well, there is no easy way to say this so I'll just come out and say it.

I am in Love with Miley Cyrus a.k.a Hannah Montana!!!

Wow that felt good to get off my chest. You see less than a month ago, I had no idea who Miley Cyrus was and didn't really care. But when I we were on our way to winter camp this year, they ran out of movies to play on the bus so they just busted out the Hannah Montana dvd. I figured, "what the heck. Let's see what the big deal is with this chick". All I can say is that show is freaking hilarious. Well after coming home from camp, I made the mistake of looking her up on youtube and now I can't get her songs out of my head. They sure are catchy...and positive (which is rare these days). So there you have it. I am a Hannah Montana fan. There I said it. Ahhhhhhhhhh!


Anonymous said...

hahahahah!!!!!! ur so gay!!!!!!

Carson Day said...

Hannah Montana rocks my socks!!! Did you see the episode where she dated Jake Ryan???? It was my favorite! You are too funny, and a little too gay, but it's cool, welcome to the club!...the Hannah club, not the gay one, I don't belong to that club.

Carson Day said...
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Stacie said...

I love Hannah Montana!!! Don't listen to what others say... It's not gay.... You're just so secure of yourself you can blog about it. That's awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Who couldnt love that southern drawl?? C'mon..we know every man wants a southern woman who can sang.. (i mean sing) haha. More points if the woman has a dad who used to rock the mullet.

Shannon said...

c'mon... you'll like hannah montanna but not barlowgirl? think this one through...

Jeffrey D said...

hmm .. your still my friend.. dont worry..

Martin Lalama said...

back off roberto shes my age!!! =D

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

To all you haters - Quit hating
Stacie - Thanks for sticking up for
Heather - Indeed singing southern girls are hot...mullets not so much
Shannon - Hannah Montana is way cooler than Barlow Girl
Jeff - Thanks for the support bro
Martin - Don't even think about it bro!

Holly said...

It's ok Roberto, my son loves her also. We spent this summer watching her show together... And how can it be gay when a guy likes a girl?? Don't get why people think guys liking HM is gay?!?!:-)