Monday, January 26, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers...

I am what you would call pretty passionate volunteer at my church and though I like having my weekends off every now and then, I have no problem serving every weekend. However, this past weekend, I happened to be off  and I am still kicking myself in the butt for only experiencing the service once all weekend.

Immediately upon parking my car and walking up to the building, I saw a bunch of these signs all over the lawn. I thought to myself, "Oh man! this is gonna be interesting". I WAS NOT WRONG! 

I won't go into too much detail of what went down but all I can say is that this was hands down one of the most memorable services I have been too. We kicked off a new series called "24" (Yup just like the TV show) and the service included some pretty surprising elements including but not limited too: 
  • Dr. Evil (along with some other bad bad guys) 
  • Some pretty crazy stunts (with no stunt doubles) 
  • Dynamite 
  • Explosions 
I am not going to tell you what happened. Instead, I am going to wait for the video and show you all that. Ponder on these in the mean time.