Hello Fellow Bloggers...
Well, despite its been one day since my accident, I am pretty calm and at ease. Words can not explain how much you guys' comments, text messages, voice mails, and twitter updates, have helped raise my spirits and bring me peace. Not to mention what God has done!!!.....check this out.
As many of you know, I am a teller at
WaMu (the dream job of every aspiring Musician/Audio Engineer). Well, all morning today I was worried sick about the elderly lady involved in the accident. I guess I forgot to mention that she just recently had open heart surgery (according to the cop I spoke to). I was so worried that this whole ordeal would have an effect on her heart. I have been praying that she would be ok and God answered my prayer so clearly that he even sent a messenger. I got a customer that did not have a wamu account but wanted to cash a wamu check. I proceeded to take his ID's and cash the check. As I was giving him the cash, I couldn't help but notice that this gentlemen looked very familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. I noticed he was carrying a supply bag that looked kind of like a fanny pack that read "LA RESCUE". As he grabbed his bag and started to turn away it hit me. This guys was one of the paramedics from the accident. In fact he was the only one of the 5-10 paramedics at the scene who actually approached me and asked me if I needed medical attention. Before he could leave I said "wait a second....you were one of the paramedics from the accident yesterday". He gave me a confused look at first then smiled and said, "Oh yea I remember you". At first I thought, "wow, what a small world". But then it hit me that God had sent this "messenger" as an answer to my prayers. I asked him about the elderly lady and he told me she was fine and not to worry. He said she was just a little shaken up from the whole thing but everything was ok. I felt like a thousand pounds was just raised from my back. I could have cared less about my car, or all the bills I have to pay. All I cared about was that she was ok. THANK YOU JESUS!!!

As for my car, I drove it to the shop yesterday. When I got there, the guy told me, "this car is undriveable how did you make it here?". The left front wheel on the car was bent in and apparently it could have fallen off at any moment. God was watching over me again as usual (Thanks G). The guy at the body shop who inspected my car said that the damages look "
extensive " and they are probably worse than they look. The car was hit on the drivers side but the impact was so hard that it looks like it bent the interior frame of the car. I actually couldn't get my glove box on the passenger's side open after the accident. The body shop guy told me he guesses it's about $8,000+ worth of repairs. He's gonna email me an accurate total later this week. Thank God for Insurance!!!
In the meantime, this is what I'm driving...

Don't get me wrong, it's a decent car but I have one MAJOR complaint (and it's a big one)
The car only has a radio...yes you read correctly, ONLY A RADIO....no aux input, no CD player, and no tape player. I'm not sure how I will survive without my usual servings of mute math, Hillsong United, Radiohead and switchfoot on my long commutes.
Stay tuned for more updates!!!!