Saturday, March 07, 2009

Music that makes you dumb!

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

My brother in law showed me this article today in which a college student in california mapped out chart showing the SAT scores of a bunch of college students. Now the interesting thing is that when interviewing the students he also asked them what kind Musical artist(s) or band they enjoyed listening to the most. According to the chart, the "smartest" students liked listening to Beethoven while the "dumbest" students listened to Lil' Wayne. It was awesome to see that among the "smartest" alternative bands was my Radiohead! (woot woot). Read the entire article here.

There are quite a few bands on this chart, I enjoy (some I'm not particularly proud of) but overall I guess I could consider myself a pretty smart music listener. 

Does intelligence choose the band? Or does music define how smart we become? Where do your favorite bands appear? Do you think that music can make you dumb? Does rap rot your brain?


Anonymous said...

In optometry school I learned that structure alters function and function can alter structure. Same with music, it's interchangable. Music impacts our life as much as our actions impacts the soundtrack of our life. Stellar post man.