Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sold to the Highest Bidder
Well, today was a day which will be remembered for a long time...for me at least. I just got back from the post office where I mailed out my two computers I sold on Ebay. The bad thing is that after I had already shipped the packages, I realized that I forgot to include the power adapter to one of the computers. So now I have to send an email to the buyer apologizing for the mistake and I have to go back to the post office tomorrow and send the adapter using overnight mail, but oh well. It was not easy letting those computers go since they were the first macs I ever owned, but it was definitely time for an upgrade. Hopefully now I can buy the computer I have wanted for a while now. The MacBook Pro. The bad thing is that I will not have a computer for a couple of days now. In fact, I am doing this Post from Cristian's computer and he is looking kinda impatient so I hope he doesn't kick me off soon.


by Troy Gramling said...
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Martin Lalama said...
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Martin Lalama said...

wat kind of loser forgets to pack the power adapter?!?! hahahh

LiZ the MiZ said...

how will you ever survive??

Anonymous said...

I know how,