Temptation is Everywhere!!!Ok so about 2 weeks go we threw a surprise half birthday party for Carlos. Since the theme of the party was apple/mac, we thought it was the perfect opportunity get him an iphone. Although it was quite a mission, we were able to get one in time for the party. Hats off to our friend
martin who actually camped out at the apple store that friday from early morning until 6:30pm so he can have the iphone in time for the party.

So anyways, I made a firm decision from the day the iphone was announced that I would not get it. And just to be clear, it's not that I don't want one, it's just that my sprint contract ends in October of 2008. Well at first it was very easy to not want one.....Until I got my hands on one!!...It is absolutely amazing!!
The iphone ended up being the life of the party. Everyone would hover around into little groups and play with the iphones (miguel had one too). It was so popular that two people at the party actually left the party, went to the apple store and came back with iphones. (If only it were that easy for me). So as the days went by I kept on encountering people who had purchased iphones. People like
Pastor Brian Vasil, or
Mauricio Tinoco. It seems as though every time I would encounter someone with an iphone, It just made me want one more and more. Unlike
another story I read about earlier this week, my budget right now just doesn't allow me to purchase it at this time. I would actually have to pay a $200 cancelation fee to cancel my sprint contract. Plus I would have to pay an activation fee for cingular, not to mention the cost of the actual phone. So together it would actually come to over $700.........$700 that I just don't have. During this whole debate of whether I should get it or not, I had a revelation. A couple of weeks ago, during one of Pastor Troy's Teachings, God really nudged my heart to enter into a financial commitment with him. And you know one thing I realized is that it's very easy to say "yea sure, no problem, I'll do it." but when the time actually comes to get the bills paid, or get your tires changed, or get the plumbing in your house fixed, are you gonna be true to your word?...It seems as though sometimes it's easy to promise things and say things when the skies are clear and everything is jolly and great, but what about when things get tough and you get hit with trials and tribulations in life. Well, I am glad to say that I didn't let temptation win, and I followed through with the promise I made to God. And I couldn't be happier. I mean sure I don't have an iphone, but I do have something much more valuable. I have the satisfaction that I am following God's will in my life and being obedient to what he wants for me. And let's be realistic, I don't really need an iphone. And you know, now that I come to think of it, there is nothing that I can say that I honestly need that I don't have. Being that I was raised in the church ever since I was little, Tithing has never really been an issue for me. I guess you can say that it just comes naturally to me thanks to what my parents planted in me when I was growing up. However, It was that extra step that I felt God wanted me to take. And I am Glad I did it. I decided to trust God with my resources. And I couldn't be happier. So for now i'll happily stick with my beat up sprint phone. But who knows, maybe by 2008 the iphone will only be 100 bucks!!!
Blog on, brother, blog on. You have really cool things to say. I look fwd. to getting inside your head thru Rob's Blog. Thanks! HP
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