Thursday, February 07, 2008

New Friend

Hello Fellow Bloggers...

Last night, I got home from work and found a little creature slithering around by front door. Believe it or not these little guys don't really freak me out, so I picked it up and took it inside. I figured rather than tell you about it I would let you see for yourself. It was funny how my dog was acting with it. 

after making the video and playing with it a bit more, I took it back outside and set it free.


Jeffrey D said...

cool .. How do you know it's not poisonous?

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

I grabbed it with a towel, looked it up online and once I saw it wasn't poisonous, I got rid of the towel. It's a ringsnake!

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...
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Jeffrey D said...

ok better safe than sorry...

Duce said...

your mom looks like she's about to rip it in half

Anonymous said...

your a dog abuser!!!!!and icant believe mom picked it up!!! overall cool video